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  • The Great Communion Revival
  • The Great Communion Revival

The Great Communion Revival


Dean Briggs


Is communion with Christ a ritual, remembrance, or reenactment of triumph? 


When you think about Communion, what comes to mind?

For many, it's thin, stale crackers with a few nips of watery grape juice. Yet the greater question is not what did you experience, but Whom? 


All three branches of Christendom regularly practice the Lord's Supper, but among Protestants in particular, the ritual is often more obligatory than truly commemorative. We've lost or forgotten something important. 


In this compelling new work, Dean Briggs combines ancient Biblical truth with fresh prophetic insights to pose a question: Could the Holy Spirit be orchestrating a massive, global awakening to honor the body and blood of Jesus like never before? If so, could a Great Communion Revival become a force to challenge powers of darkness, while accelerating gospel proclamation and unity, thereby demonstrating the triumph of the Lamb of God over the accuser of the brethren?

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